September 2023

The Artists of Grey Edges

Kelly J. Reyna

Leticia Barron

Valerie Hernandez

Raquel Estrada

Chris Ramos

Alma Rico

And guest artists,

Ray Vela

Allen Bernard

The Artists of Grey Edges Exhibition Statement The pursuit of art takes great courage. We've come to learn, as artists, that support, encouragement, and access to quality materials is important to artistic growth. We find that what is necessary to become a working artist is perseverance, dedication, and a passion to express ideas for the greater good, to explain fully, and loudly, that the artists' voice is powerful in our society. As artists, we seek to evolve and strive in our craft, always. Yet, as we rise in our endless pursuit, we vow to reach back, teach what we know, and help lift others up as we move forward. This is the only way that art will make a difference in this world, and we hope that, through our work, we can ignite hopeful positivity into our community.

When Grey Edges was formed, we developed our mission to highlight, promote, and assist under-represented and emerging artists, as well as, providing a workshop art space for autistic and neurodiverse families that encourages and nurtures support systems and awareness. This mission is dear to us as we are comprised of parents, educators, and artists who have worked with or have family members on the spectrum. We see that much support is needed to both emerging artists and families of neurodiversity, we give what we can while directing community awareness to this need.

We feel much gratitude to our supporters who believe in what we are doing, and we are proud that with our gallery, at 1614 Mac Davis Lane, we have simultaneously created a culturally rich space for artists on the spectrum. Yet, we recognize and are proud that we have made a home for the Latino/a artists in our area. There is still so much good to do and much growth to be had, and we look forward to that journey.