How does the gallery select artists?

Charles Adams Gallery is interested in artists who are pursuing a professional artistic practice. This includes but is not limited to, having an extensive exhibition record, participation in a broader community of artists regionally, nationally, or internationally, possessing a website, and demonstrating exceptional talent.

How do I submit my art for consideration?

We are always looking for artists to fill our exhibit calandar. Email your information to

Do I need to call ahead or make an appointment?

Not at all. Feel free to come by anytime durring business hours. We are here.

Do you only frame fine art?

We can accomodate any framing order. We build many different styles of frames, from shadowboxes to float frames and canvasses, we have a solution for your items. With so many artists in house we are able to offer a wide range of custom solutions to meet any custom framing needs and beyond.

How much is custom framing?

There are many factors that will detirmine the cost of your framing order. We offer the widest variety of moulding and matt options available. We can beat Hobby Lobby or Michael’s prices on any custom framing order. We encourage you to support local businesses. We have options for every budget.

Are my valuables safe?

Trust that Charles Adams Gallery will treat your possessions with the best of care, and you can rest assured that your items are fully covered and insured while in the possession of the gallery.

Do you buy art?

We do not buy artwork, and do not offer consignment at this time.

Do you offer appraisals of artwork?

We offer evaluations of your collections. Whether you’re interested in insuring your items or wishing to sell, evaluations are considered on a case by case basis, typical cost is $125 per computer hour.

Are there any exhibit fees to enter?

Not at all, we are free and open to the public during business hours.