January 2024

Tyler Traxler

Traxler’s work takes viewers on a soul-stirring odyssey, to a place enveloped in an atmosphere of
spiritual nuance, mesmerizing characters, and brutal abstraction. Set against a backdrop of timelessness, Isle of View captivates with portrayal of the delicate dance between ages past and the eternal present. Traxler’s artwork weaves together threads of ancient wisdom through the art of storytelling, seamlessly intertwining his personal narratives that resonate with the deepest chambers of the human heart.

Tylor Traxler is a self-taught multidisciplinary artist from Oklahoma City. His work is informed by street art, pop art, and surrealism. Traxler’s breadth of practice extends across visual arts, graphic design, music, and poetry.

Instagram: @traxler.archive
Email: Tylortrax@gmail.com
Website: www.ttraxler.com