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Jeffie Brewer

Jeffie Brewer grew up in a small, rural town in East Texas. The son of eccentric junk yard owners, he learned to spot beauty in the mundane, developed an array of industrial skills and discovered he had a knack for drawing. Those early revelations have influenced his artistic trajectory ever since.

  Jeffie earned an MFA in sculpture and metals and an MA in sculpture and painting. He also holds a BFA in drawing, printmaking and jewelry making. He taught a wide range of undergraduate and graduate level art classes from 1998-2019, from sculpture to typography to expressive drawing.

  Since his first exhibition in 1998, his work has appeared in both solo and group shows across North America and in Mexico and Japan.

  In addition to his academic career, Jeff has utilized his artistic talents as an illustrator and designer for an advertising firm (1999-present) and as the founder and president of a design and fabrication company (Orange Cat, Inc., 2002-present).